Epping Little Athletics Club Incorporated A009
The ELAC Club uniform consists of:
A red singlet top with Club logo, refer pictures below, or crop top for girls.
Plain black shorts, bike shorts or bloomers/sports briefs. Note, the shorts must be a minimum of 100mm / 10cm above the knee & are not allowed to have pockets or Plain black leggings (Leggings CANNOT be worn for the WALK)
NOTE: T-Shirts may be worn under club singlet but must be the predominant colour of the club uniform.
Tracksuits or other warm clothing may be worn to the event but must be removed prior to the start of the event. With the permission of the Arena Manager, in extreme weather conditions athletes may be permitted to wear track pants to compete in field events only. In line with our sun-smart policy athletes may wear their hats in events, especially on the hot days.
Footwear is compulsory for ALL athletes in ALL events.
Club Competition Singlets or Crop Tops $35.00
Sport Bags $20.00
Training Shirts $35.00*
(*selected sizes left)
Commonwealth Bank Chest Patches
Commonwealth Registration Chest Patches provided to athletes at time of registration these must be worn on the Club Top for all events each week of interclub competition. Chest patches will show the child’s name, age group and registration number, Team Managers and Officials require this information for events to run smoothly, they also help first aid and committee members identify if an athlete has any Medical Condition or Allergies.
Failure to wear club uniform and/or Tag will result in the athlete being excluded from events as per Centre Guidelines outlined in WCLAC general information.
Please take care of your Commonwealth Chest Patch
DO NOT wash the Chest Patch as it will get damaged
(TIP: when you receive your patch take it home and laminate or contact it to protect it & it will last the season without much fading.)
IF you lose, forget or damage the Commonwealth Chest Patch a replacement MUST BE purchased from Centre Registrar at a cost of $5.00 which applies to all clubs, money from this is donated to the Royal Childrens Hospital. See Club Registrar if you are needing replacement.
Regional and State Uniform
During the season there is a number of State and Regional competitions Athletes have the opportunity to compete are. At these events we represent the Whittlesea City LAC. Due to this, a separate Whittlesea City singlet is required and must be worn at there events. These singlets can be also be used during the Cross Country Season.
If you need to purchase a Whittlesea City single, please let us know and we can assist you.
Plain black shorts, bike shorts, leggings with NO POCKETS or bloomers are worn with the Whittlesea City top. These must be plain black and not feature logos or other colours.
Footwear & Spikes
Footwear is compulsory for ALL athletes in ALL events. ALL athletes must wear suitable runners. U11’s are permitted to wear spikes in Javelin and High Jump only. U12–U16 may wear runners OR spikes. Spikes are only permitted in laned track events, Long Jump, High Jump, Triple Jump, and Javelin. The maximum length is 6mm, all spike positions must be filled with a spike or a blank (no more than 2 two blanks will be installed in a shoe). Specialist High Jump and Javelin footwear with heel spikes must not exceed 9mm and may only be worn at these events.
The only acceptable spike for Little Athletics is either pyramid (Christmas tree) or conical – Needle Spikes are NOT permitted.
Spot checks may be conducted at any time
Needle Spikes = NOT ALLOWED
Spikes may only be put on at the marshalling area of each event and must be removed at the completion of the event. Athletes must NOT walk around in their spikes. Any misuse of spikes will result in the withdrawal of permission to compete in spikes.
Spikes Venue Rule It is a requirement of Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium that when athletes are wearing spikes starting blocks must be used.